I notice that ADnD basically takes this approach as a kind of “fan TAG” for the Appendix N literature.
The core gameplay loop is go on bold adventures and raid the lost secrets of the past and lairs of evil wizards for the treasure needed to claim or reclaim your throne.
It wound up being more than that, but when I looks at Corwins effort to claim Amber; or Conan’s conquest of Aquilonia the gameplay loop is right there.
Thank you very, very much for this, Brad. — Kent Allard
I notice that ADnD basically takes this approach as a kind of “fan TAG” for the Appendix N literature.
The core gameplay loop is go on bold adventures and raid the lost secrets of the past and lairs of evil wizards for the treasure needed to claim or reclaim your throne.
It wound up being more than that, but when I looks at Corwins effort to claim Amber; or Conan’s conquest of Aquilonia the gameplay loop is right there.
Lots of good insight here, I might have missed your post about this but I'm curious as to what your background is and where this expertise comes from